Friday, November 30, 2012


After looking back at this blogging assignment I am amazed at the many different social welfare issues that I was unaware of. I learned so much, and I found this assignment very informative and interesting. I appreciated the creativity of doing an online blog consisting of several different entries, instead of writing a major paper at the end of the term. The most important things that this assignment has helped me with are my researching skills, my knowledge of social welfare issues, and finding my own voice.

During my entries, I blogged about many different social policy issues surrounding multi-generational poverty. These blogs included issues that focussed on poverty surrounding traditional Anishnaabek peoples, children, immigrants and single mothers. Over my entries I have learned that multi-generational poverty can occur from poverty in any situation, if the people living in poverty cannot rise above it. This makes multi-generational poverty an extremely important issue, way more important than I ever thought it was. Poverty has been an issue for a long time in Canada, and I believe that it will remain an issue for a long time to come.

While writing my own entries, I also viewed many other blog entries that were written by my classmates about several different issues. I found these entries extremely informative, and I greatly appreciated them. Some of the different issues that I read about on other people's blogs included prostitution, abortion, poverty, race issues, gender issues, inequality, mental illnesses, physical disabilities and many more. These posts have made me aware of many issues that are occurring in our country, and some of them even informed me of how I can help. These posts also helped me to understand the many different ideologies used in social work.

As I close my blog, I want to say thank-you to everyone who took the time to read my entries and comment on them. I believe that I have come out of this class with an open mind, and I have learned to be sensitive to other people's situations. I believe that this blogging assignment was a great way to allow us to express ourselves, and research issues that were important to us, or issues that we were interested in.


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