Thursday, December 6, 2012

Parliamentarians Want Action on Poverty

Parliamentarians Want Action on Poverty

Everyone has a role to play in building a poverty free and  more socially secure Canada.  Governments at all levels, business no matter the size or type, community and other civil society organizations and individuals are all responsible to take action to end poverty in our country. (Yarema. 2012)

In June of 2012 a number of parliamentarians gathered to announce the launch of a federal poverty caucus.  Poverty is not a liberal concern, a conservative concern or an new democratic concern.  It is a serious concern for all of Canadian society.  The launch of this caucus is timely because Statistics Canada has released their annual look at incomes in Canada.  Poverty levels have remained unchanged between 2009 and 2010.  Millions of Canadians are struggling to make ends meet.  But little has been done about poverty and many desperate views on solutions are prevalent in the House of Commons. (Yarema, 2012)

In recent decades there has been a fifty percent increase in the number of single women and single mothers living in poverty.  This has been due to the patriarchal view concerning women. (Cliff Notes. 2012)  There will always be gender inequality in society.  But if we start to embrace  the ideology of the feminist perspective between the sexes it may help alleviate some of the reasons associated with poverty.  Especially for women who usually stay at home to raise their children while the man works,. 
This newly formed caucus will be anti-party and anti-poverty.  It consists of 45 members from all political parties.  Poverty affects everyone no matter what your political views.  A feminist approach could be used concerning policies for economic growth, social equality and gender equality.  This approach would be challenging to implement but poverty is a problem that can no longer be ignored.  Different solutions must be found or a least viewed.  .A feminist approach would put a different outlook on the status quo.

 There have been many different campaigns, policies and procedures put in place to end poverty.  But poverty is still prevalent in today’s society  Maybe this caucus can make a real changed by adapting different approaches to help end poverty and make our country a more just society for all.

Jen. M

Yarema, M. June 22 2012. Parlimentarians Want Action on Povrty.

Yarema, M. December 03, 2012. Campaign Policy Summit on Food Security Causes and Effects of Poverty. 6 Dec 2012

Mahon, R., & Brennan, D. (2012). Federalism and the “New Politics” of Welfare Development: Childcare and Parental Leave in Australia and Canada. Publius: The Journal of Federalism.

Phillips, S. D. (2012). Dual restructuring: civil society and the welfare state in Canada, 1985-2005. British Journal of Canadian Studies, 25(2), 161-180.

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